Environmental films to watch

Protecting our Earth has been a passion of mine ever since I was young. I have been learning about sustainability and helping our environment by watching many different documentaries. There are so many great environmental films that teach you about the food and agriculture industry, plastic pollution, climate change, the fast fashion industry, loss of biodiversity and the dying coral reefs. Here are some of my favorites that are definitely worth putting on your list.

  1. A life on our planet

David Attenborough has lived an adventurous life exploring our world. This documentary shows his first hand experience of how he has witnessed the humanities impact on nature over the last 70 years. The main issues talked about in this environmental film are climate change and biodiversity loss in our forests. He has noticed a decline of wildlife all over the world. The film also suggests that eating a more plant based diet will allow land to be used more efficiently, and not just to grow food for humans and livestock.


2. Artifishal

This documentary focuses on how humans have manipulated ecosystems for our benefit, such as wild salmon. It explores wild salmon’s slide toward extinction, threats posed by fish hatcheries and fish farms, and our continued loss of faith in nature.


3. Just Eat It

This documentary is very eye opening. It explores the food waste crisis and how over 50% of food is thrown in the trash, from farms to grocery stores. Each year, billions of dollars of food is thrown away every year. Filmmakers Jen and Grant pledge to only eat food that is discarded. They dig through grocery store dumpsters and are shocked at how much perfectly edible food they find.


4. Kiss the ground

This film is narrated by Woody Harrelson and talks about a real solution to restore our Earth and stop the climate crisis. The solution is in our soil. We have depleted all of the nutrients from our Earth’s soil by large scale industrial agriculture. This was also done in the dust bowl. If we regenerate the soil by putting nutrients back into it, then it will be able to absorb more carbon from the atmosphere. The less carbon there is in the atmosphere, then the less warm our Earth is. Healthy soil can actually cool the Earth down.


5. Before the flood

Before the Flood features Leonardo DiCaprio, the United Nations Messenger of Peace, as he travels around the world to witness climate change firsthand. He speaks with scientists and political leaders about how we can make a difference for the future. The film urges viewers to contact their elected officials about supporting clean energy, such as wind and solar. “We need everyone to demand bold action from their political leaders and to elect representatives who have their best interests at heart, not the interests of corporations to perpetuate a cycle of greed and destruction,” says DiCaprio. “This documentary shows how interconnected the fate of all humanity is — but also the power we all possess as individuals to build a better future for our planet.”


6. Seaspiracy

Seaspiracy highlights how commercial fishing is hurting our planet. The commercial fishing industry is polluting our oceans and harming marine life with their industrial fishing nets. Also, the overfishing practices of certain species of fish is leading to biodiversity loss in our oceans. The documentary suggests that living a plant based life is an easy solution to saving our oceans. Humans overconsumption of fish is now taking a toll on our Earth.


7. down to earth

This Netflix series features Zac Efron and Darin Olien as they travel the world and learn about environmental issues. Each episode highlights a different country and explores topics such as clean energy, pollution reduction, nutrition, sustainability and tap water treatment.


8. the true cost

The True Cost is an environmental and humanitarian film that focuses on the fast fashion industry. This worldwide industry employs low- wage workers in toxic conditions. The production of the clothing also contaminates rivers and soil with dangerous chemicals, wastes an excessive amount of water, and can cause illness and death in the communities around the factories. The film also talks about our capitalist society and how the over marketing of clothing contributes to the consumer always wanting more.