Easy Swaps for Zero Waste Living

Over the past year I have been making small changes to create less waste in my house. I have researched how most plastics aren't recycled, and how our rivers and oceans are filled with large amounts of trash. I know that I alone can't change this issue, but I want to support companies that are focused on reducing waste and creating packaging that is reusable. Here are some easy swaps to start helping the environment one day at a time! 

TruBlu Images | Denver Commercial Photographer & Product Photographer

One of the first swaps I made was using reusable bags instead of single use plastic grocery bags. Most of the bags I have collected for free from events I have been to. I purchased the mesh and muslin bags from Amazon. They were very affordable for my low budget. The main reason why I didn't think I could use zero waste products was because of the cost. Now I know there are many ways to help the environment without breaking the bank. I keep these bags in my trunk and use them every time I go to the grocery. The mesh bags can be used for fruits and vegetables. Be sure to buy produce that isn't already packaged in plastic. The muslin bags are amazing for the bulk grains section. I fill them with rice, quinoa, coffee beans, trail mix, beans and more! I then put those items in jars that I have cleaned out. I reuse jars from pasta sauce, salsa, pickles and other things. Once you get a routine down, it's so easy! Always be sure to wash your bags in the washing machine. Bacteria can grow on them and make you sick if you don't. 

TruBlu Images | Denver Commercial Photographer & Product Photographer

The next swap I did was switching to reusable sandwich bags from Ziploc plastic bags. My husband and I go hiking and skiing a lot. We always are packing sandwiches and snacks in our backpacks. I realized how much waste these plastic bags were creating. I then found reusable sandwich bags on Amazon for an affordable price. They are also so easy to wash by hand or in the washing machine. 

TruBlu Images | Denver Commercial Photographer & Product Photographer

I have been using cleaning products with less harsh chemicals in them for years, but they always came in plastic bottles. Now there are so many companies creating toxic free cleaning products without all of the waste! Blueland is a company I saw on the show Sharktank. Their concept was amazing and their products were affordable as well! I just had to try them out. The best part is none of the cleaning products have that harsh chemical smell. You feel safer using them as you are helping the environment! Blueland has small tablets in compostable paper that you drop into a glass container and fill with water! It's really that easy! 

Another company that is focusing on cleaning products is The Better World Company. They are based in Denver and act as the "milk man" for all of your cleaning products, soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, and laundry detergent. You order the products online and they deliver to your door in glass and stainless steel bottles. When you are out of the product, they come and pick your bottles up and refill them! All of the products are made with toxic free ingredients and the fragrance is fresh essential oils. It's such an amazing local company that I love supporting! 

Phone cases were one thing I was always replacing. I would buy the cheap $15 plastic cases off of Amazon, and about 6 months later they would be falling apart. I saw an ad for Pela Case and thought it was such a genius idea. The case was much more expensive than I was used to buying, but I did find they were having a sale. The overall investment was definitely worth it. The phone cases are made out of plants and are compostable. The quality is so durable and soft at the same time! I know it is going to last way longer than any other phone case I've had before. 

TruBlu Images | Denver Commercial Photographer & Product Photographer

Last but not least is one of the most recent swaps I have made. We change our toothbrush every 3 months and they are all made of plastic. Bamboo toothbrushes with charcoal bristles are now widely made and affordable. There are so many options on Amazon to choose from! Bamboo is one of the most sustainable resources on Earth and is also compostable. This was such an easy switch for me to make. I am hoping more bamboo toothbrushes will be available in grocery and convenience stores soon. 

TruBlu Images | Denver Commercial Photographer & Product Photographer

The zero waste movement is a small one, but I think it's making a big impact. There are so many companies focusing on creating products with less waste and no harmful chemicals. Last year I started educating myself about how the environment is hurting from the waste we are creating and the throw away habits we are used to. I recommend reading the book The Zero Waste Solutionand researching other companies you can support. I know this is a big change to everyone's lifestyle, but it is so easy once you get used to it and make it a priority. Here are some other swaps I have made in my house: dryer sheets to reusable dryer balls with essential oils, reusable water bottles and straws, natural bath luffa instead of plastic, reusable Keurig cup, bars of face soap instead of plastic bottles, and a microfiber makeup remover towel. I still am looking for options to switch out my toothpaste, q-tips, razor and some other household items. It's not a quick transition, but I believe every single swap makes a difference!

Comment below the swaps you have made or any brands you love to support!